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Most amazing retro graphic design book publishing store in New York City

6 Apr

book - Most amazing retro graphic design book publishing store in New York City

I got so inspired by this most amazing retro graphic design book publishing store in New York City. I was amazed by their wonderful book designs and graphic design skills in their layouts. I have made a nice collection here of what you can see and buy on their website. I can’t wait to visit next time I am in NYC to experience and feel their books. Finding a gem like this and with a very decent website is quite rare for me. It’s very retro most of what they have and in the most amazing way. I am not being paid or sponsored in any way by saying check out Standard Manual website and go explore their many books and so forth. You might wanna visit to get the full experience!


“Our mission is to archive and preserve artifacts of design history and make them available to future generations. From reprinted graphics standards manuals to new compendiums of archival work, our titles always aim to make great design available to all.”


Standard Manual is apperantly an independent publishing imprint founded by two guys, Jesse Reed and Hamish Smyth and I just love how passionate the guys are by just going through their website.

On their about page you can read more about their passion like:


“As designers ourselves, we value high quality books. As an independent publisher, we produce our books using only the finest papers, printing, and finishing methods. We don’t cut corners when it comes to quality.”



Free Stock Photos – Nordic Interior textures

12 Feb

It’s been along time since I last updated this blog and this time I fell back into my passion about textures. Every time I walk into a place like a well-designed store or restaurant. I tend to get mesmerized by all the textures that’s around me. Through the years I’ve built up a whole collection of different textures that can be used in webdesign and graphic design. Are use this text just to get inspired when I make websites or graphic productions for my clients. I might sometimes even blur them out and please text on top.

I don’t want to waste all these awesome pictures so I guess I started taking new photos these past days to share them with you. You are welcome to use them as you like. The only thing you can’t do is sell them. All I want is for you to credit me in your graphic production and link to my site. Please put the following next to/close to the production or wherever you use them:

“Photo by: Mark Barner –”

You are welcome to use them as a screensaver on your computer or iPhone without giving credits.

Free HD wallpaper

I myself love to find wallpapers that inspire me and for that reason you should also use these free wallpaper photos as you like on your iPhone / iPad or computer.

Let me know what you think of them? I call them “Nordic Interior Textures” as I have found them on walls or floors and ceilings of many different stores in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Old wooden table texture

brown wooden texture table

Marble texture

Brown leather texture.

Brown leather chair texture

Brown vintage wood table texture

Clean light ash wooden boards

Light wood texture

Concrete scrapes floor texture

Couch gray fabric texture

WARNING: The biggest, most offensive, artsy and provocative image blog post you will ever see!!! (Rated R)

13 May

You have to make sure you deactivate Adult filter to see this video. It might be loading the main site of dailymotion but if you come back and try to replay it again, it should work.

Violence, art, sex, fun, weird, oldschool, grafitti, street art, death, war, dance, color, food, freaks and beautiful fucked up things.

Some years ago a website called Black Guido was an crazy artsy site and I was amazed and kind of frightened in a wonderful way – it’s like driving by a freeway accident and you can’t help slowing down to look. The feeling where you walk by a ground floor apartment and you can’t help looking through the windows. It’s a mere primitive reaction and that’s the main reason why I re-post these images – they need to be re-seen 🙂 Enjoy… and remember it’s your own responsibility to stop now if you don’t want to get offended…

WARNING: The biggest, most offensive, artsy and provocative image blog post you will ever see!!! (Rated R)

See the rest of the pictures in the video above.

Watch the video above to see all pictures – it’s a 52-minute picture art exhibition – See as much as you like.

Credit: This blog-post is made available thanks to The Black Guido and Tumblr where alle content is from.

Link to video:

50 Amazing Vintage Photos From The Past that shows you how life was

4 May

The oldest known selfie. (1839)

Robert Cornelius took this photo outside the store his family owned. It became famous for being the first self portrait or as its commonly now known, a “selfie.”

People posing next to the Statue of Liberty as it’s unpacked. (1886)

This funny portrait of a woman was taken while she was mid-sneeze. (1900)

A “knocker-up” waking up clients – the early 20th century version of alarm clocks.

Nine kings gather to mourn the death of King Edward VII (1910).

This may very well be the most kings ever photographed at once. Represented are Norway, Bulgaria, Portugal, the German Empire, Greece, Belgium, Spain, Great Britain, and Denmark.

Before automatic pinsetters were invented, “pin boys” worked to manually line them up. (1914).

Sarcastic photo taken by anti-prohibitionists to mock their opponents in 1919.

A police officer on a Harley and an old fashioned mobile holding cell. (1921)

An early example of “horsemanning”, the 1920’s version of “planking”.

Two winners of a 1922 Beauty Pageant, when beauty standards were much different.

An beach official measures bathing suits to ensure they aren’t too short (1920s)

Suits were not allowed to end more than 6 inches above the knee.

A couple enjoys an old fashioned zipline on a weekend afternoon. (1923)

This bizarre helmet supposedly helped focus by rendering the wearer deaf, piping them full of oxygen, and limiting their vision to a tiny slit. (1925)

Hitler rehearsing his speeches in front of a mirror (1925).

The LA Public Library’s bookmobile program for the sick. (1928)

A zookeeper gives penguins a delightful shower from a watering can. (1930)

The One Wheel Motorcycle, capable of reaching a top speed of 93 mph. (1931)

A cat poses for a cigarette card, found in Army Club Cigarettes. (1932)

How makers of the famous London Double-Decker buses proved they weren’t a tipping hazard. (1933)

Baby cages for 1930s apartment families who wanted their children to get enough sunlight.

The iconic photo of a concerned pea-picker and mother of seven children during the Dust Bowl (1936)

These glasses were specifically made for reading in bed

The 1930’s version of a GPS: This auto scrolling map was supposed to help people with directions in real time.

Model T “Elevator Garage” in Chicago. (1936)

Salvador Dalí and Coco Chanel sharing a smoke. (1938)

“Face Cones”: a fashionable way to protect oneself during snowstorms (1939).

A bicycle that fits a family of four, including a sewing machine. (1939).

Babies wearing the gas mask hood system during a 1940 London bombing drill.

WWII soldiers get their last kiss before deployment.

A tiny puppy sleeping comfortably between Russian soldiers. (1945)

An Austrian boy couldn’t be more excited about his first pair of new shoes in years. (1946)

A baby bear drinks a bowl of honey in a cafe. (1950)

A man dresses up his dog in a suit, then puts a cat in his lap. (1950s)

An ice-cold whisky dispenser, sometimes found in offices. (1950s)

The winner of the 1950 “Miss Atomic Bomb” pageant.

Afghan women at a public library during the 1950s.

The Afghanistan government was shifting towards democracy in the 1950s and 60s before the Taliban took over. Women could work, become educated, dress casually and use many of the modern day services that men could.

A young Paul McCartney takes a mirror selfie. (1959)

[Colorized] Young women hosting a 1950s house party.

Fidel Castro lays a wreath at the Lincoln Memorial. (1959)

Fritz the bulldog, a TV celebrity, is groomed by a barber. (1961)

The Cat-Mew Machine. (1963)

This Japanese machine meows times per minute to scare away rats and mice. The eyes light up too.

A young woman takes her pet lobster out for a walk.

Young boy attending Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech, 28th Aug 1963.

The “TV Glasses” that never quite caught on. (1963)

“The Kiss of Life”. This iconic photo shows a utility worker receiving mouth-to-mouth after being electrocuted. He survived. (1967).

A young Osama Bin Laden with his family in Sweden during the 1970s. He is second from the right in a green shirt.

Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham playing volleyball in 1971.

All sources:,StumbleUpon, shorpy,, misslucifer