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Danish designed organic Mushroom Lamp is alive

21 Feb

danish designer mushroom lamp

Danish designer lamp made of mushrooms and living organic material

This amazing Danish designed organic Mushroom Lamp is alive! It was created and designed by danish Jonas Edvard Nielsen, industrial designer. A lamp made from waste, transformed by mushrooms and dried to a lamp shape. The mushrooms are alive and eating itself and the material until it dies.

Read more about the danish designer lamp here

Top 20 of popular website galleries

19 Feb

Here is a collection of my Top 20 of popular website galleries that I think is worth to mention. What are your favorite websites?




CSS Design Awards

101 Best HTML5 Sites

Best Web Gallery

HTML5 Showcase

The Best Designs

Mobile Awesomeness

Unmatched Style

CSS Dsgn

One Page Love

Minimal Sites

Make Better Websites

CSS Winner

Admire The Web

Web Design Inspiration

CSS Based

CSS Dance

Design Bombs

CSS Garden

Free Stylish wireframes and psd templates

18 Feb

Free Stylish wireframes and psd templates for you to download and use in your work. I just love the price of free 😉

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Web elements psd

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iPhone psd wireframes

GUI design for apps or web-apps

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App concept psd

Free app concept psd

Free buttons and GUI elements psd

Free Slick and simple GUI for web, print, apps or infographics

Quality is nothing! How to make your product real quality…

21 Oct

Quality is nothing gold

The cookies were crisp, the coffee was still in the cups and the dark suits had pushed their full stomachs in place under the edge of the conference table , as the director finally broke the silence.

He told us how happy customers were because his company always delivered quality and why we – Mark and I – now would help to communicate it to many more.

Mark took a cookie but quickly put it back and said “I don’t buy quality,”.

The room was silent for a moment – not even the cookies dare to crumble…

Mark explained that he doesn’t believe in thing that just say ‘Quality’. He buys:

  • Things of a particularly hard material. Or silky
  • Things that lasts long
  • Things that still smells of roses after washing number fifty
  • Things that are sustainable
  • Things that are designed by innovative designers
  • Things that he can drop on the floor
  • Things that he will be wiser
  • Things that are user-friendly
  • Things that make him smile

Mark never buy quality because ‘quality’ itself is nothing!

It is an empty word , no telling what awaits us.
Example: Take the cookies from the bowl on the conference table. Are they quality cookies? Why is that…?

  • Because they are made of organic, hand-picked ingredients and no one was hurt during production?
  • Because they do not crumble as much as other cookies?
  • Because they are ultra low on calories?
  • Or because every cookie in the bowl is wrapped in it’s own little delicious hygienic packaging?

We do not know until there is any other word than quality (or professional , dedicated, reliable and efficient) to explain why these cookies are actually better.

Never trust “Quality” until the products explains why

That’s why, like Mark, you should never buy ‘quality’. That’s why you can never deliver just ‘quality’ products to your customers.

You should contribute with something that makes a particular difference to others – and your contribution deserves specific words that captivates people you want to reach. Then they understand and believes that your products are ‘quality’ without you having to print/say ‘quality’ on/about your products.

A tool for finding the right words:

Always ask yourself if the opposite statement could be the case when you put into words what you offer:

Message: “I offer legal services of high quality”
The opposite: “I offer shitty legal services” = FAIL!

Message: “I offer legal services that prevents someone suing you or your company”
The opposite: “I offer legal advice to minimize your losses when you get sued” = It works!

Why are your cookies ‘Quality’?

What quality services or products do you deliver? Type it below if you want feedback 🙂

chocolate cookie vector png for sale - designed by

Thanks to for the idea

25 Colorful Logos that makes you want your own!

13 Aug

Logo by
Mark Barner

Logo by Ryan Harrison

Logo by Guillaume Marais

Logo by Maria Grønlund

Logo by Petshopbox

Logo by Vinent

Logo by Genki Hagata

Logo by Enrique Sánchez

Logo by Marianella Snowball

Logo by Evan Dinsmore

Logo by Cosmin Cuciureanu

Logo by Harley Spick

Logo by Modisana Hlomuka

Logo by Andres Vizio

Logo by Arpit Tilak

Logo by Lawrence Allen

Logo by Designers Revolution

Logo by Kim Marcel Czesna

Logo by Abdelilah Driouch

Logo by Jordan Dobney

Logo by Jared Hill

Logo by ALL4LEO

Logo by Alen Type08 Pavlovic

Logo by Emir Ayouni

Logo by Adrianne Hawthorne
